
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Loan Revolving Funds

This page allows you to enter the Loan Fund details and specifications. For instance money can be given for a specific purpose or group of persons like the youth call it " The youth fund". This then becomes an external fund which will be entered under the funds page and when highlighted under the same page and the contributions page is clicked, it will be the fund available for more transactions to be added. You will be able to see the funds movement of a particular fund in the Fund utilization report. Each fund can then be tracked on its own.


How to add a new Loan Revolving Fund

To get here, go to menu System/Configuration/Funds/Loan Revolving Fund. The loan revolving funds page is displayed and looks as follows:

How to create an Operation expenses fund

Click on the operation expenses and a screen like one below appears:

You now can make a deposit for the fund by highlighting the fund and clicking on the Contribution page

Note: If you are using the Loan Performer Accounting module you will be able to get all the Financial reports filtered by the Donor.

Next you have to configure the way Loan Performer will check the availability of funds. By default the option "Never" is chosen.

Always check availability of funds:

The system will pick the percentage set for savings, Shares and Time deposit and adds it to the available amount in the fund.

Please note that it means the % of the total shares and savings balances of all of your clients.

To save a new fund with all it's settings, press the Add button. If you have entered all the data correctly, you will get the message that the fund is saved and it had been assigned a certain number as a Fund Code. This number serves as an identity of the fund and once saved cannot be changed anymore. If you work with Monitoring Reports then at the point of setting targets the code, entered into a particular cell of the Excel targets file, will indicate that these targets are set for the fund identified by this code. The fund code is also used when the loan importation is done.

It is possible to modify or delete funds. The deletion is only possible if there were no loans disbursed from the fund and the fund had no contributions.

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